The Journal of Asian Medical Students' Association (JAMSA) Volume-10, which showcases the latest research and insights on a wide range of topics in biomedical fields. The contributors to this journal have devoted countless hours to advancing knowledge in their respective fields, and their work represents a significant contribution to the ongoing conversation within academia.

The articles featured in this journal cover a broad range of subjects, from the preclinical laboratory studies to clinical sciences and offer a variety of perspectives on the scientific discoveries in the world around us. Whether you are interested in cutting-edge research on neurobiology, insights into psychological health, or new approaches to understanding human diseases, this journal has something for you.

As a reader, you will have the opportunity to explore the latest findings in fields. The research presented here is sure to challenge your assumptions, broaden your horizons, and inspire new ideas! 


Published: 2023-09-14

AMSA International Report of Seventy-fifth Session of the WHO Regional Committee Meeting for South-East Asia

Charlotte Lintang Kinasih, Pratyush Kumar, Gunteshwar Singh Brar, Dhafin Lingga Achadiono, Gladson Vaghela, Mikail Athif Zhafir Asyura, Nishant Seth, Rahul Rangan, Revi Wijaya, Sydney Tjandra, Weng Tong Wu