A Scoping review of the mental health support and wellbeing resources provided to medical students by Australian universities
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Background. In 2020, the Australian Government provided $660,000 to develop a mental health framework for universities to adhere to in support of the mental health of university students. To date, there has been no formal evaluation of the current UMHF. In this study, we aim to provide preliminary observations that will highlight the current state of mental health support provided to medical students at Australian universities and its alignment with the University Mental Health Framework (UMHF).
Methods. A total of 19 UMHF-based criteria for student mental health support across 21 Australian universities were assessed in January 2022 and reviewed in December 2022 via a combination of Google search and homepage traversal. These were subjected to chi-squared testing and linear regression analysis where appropriate.
Results. The majority of universities offered individual counselling, as well as mental health crisis line access. Most universities also offered MHFA training, mental health resources, and regular wellbeing sessions. However, there were a lack of published mental health strategies, and individual counselling offered was limited; there was also little support for rural students, and use of social media and wellbeing apps showed limited adoption.
Conclusion. Australian medical universities are somewhat lacking in counselling support: they overlook the mental health needs of rural students, but are also lacking in long-term support for all students. Additionally, universities appear relatively reluctant to adopt and incorporate newer technological trends into their mental health approaches. More work needs to be done across Australian universities to support the nation’s medical students.
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