Medical Students' Role in Anticipating the Psychosocial Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Review
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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected learning activities in medical educational institutions all over the world. The world has managed to rise to the challenge of the global health crisis including mental health and well-being. Rethink the role that health students play during their education, not only in maintaining the continuity of their learning process but, also as agents of change who are part of health actions and responses. This literature review focuses on the role of medical students in anticipating the psychosocial impacts from the Covid-19. The main and supporting articles are search results from indexed international journal databases from Pubmed, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar databases. Articles were searched using specific keywords with full text written in English, open access, EBM articles with a minimum level 3, and published in the last 5 years. Medical students can take part in ensuring the correctness of circulated information and prevent the spread of hoaxes, and be advised to educate the public to carry out activities for maintaining mental health. Students with stakeholders can create a database to support the health team and share it with other students at medical institutions, design and build information storage databases, create support teams for students for academic counseling, and mutual emotional support through a group under supervision by practitioners to equalize perceptions about everything that happens using interprofessional collaboration principal. A holistic approach based on community intervention is very possible for medical students to minimize the psychosocial impact after the Covid-19 pandemic era.
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