How a Small City in India, Chandigarh, Controlled the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Used and Lessons to be Learned How a small city in India controlled the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Nikita Garg
Devyani Ramgobin
Veena Melwani
Nitasa Sahu
Reshma Golamari
Rohit Jain


With the current COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the globe, thousands have succumbed to the virus. Countries across the globe desperately try to take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to keep their population safe and healthy. While the predilection remains for older individuals, in countries where access to medical care is shorthanded, containing the virus is the best strategy. As many states and cities across the world grapple to combat the pandemic, this commentary focuses on the effective strategies implemented by one such city in India, named Chandigarh, in an effort to control the COVID-19 pandemic. By implementing strict curfews, social distancing and preventative measures, Chandigarh has effectively contained the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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How to Cite
Garg, N., Ramgobin, D., Melwani, V., Sahu, N., Golamari, R. and Jain, R. (2023) “How a Small City in India, Chandigarh, Controlled the COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategies Used and Lessons to be Learned: How a small city in India controlled the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10(1). doi: 10.52629/jamsa.v10i1.191.
Perspective Article


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