AMSA International is a peak representative organization for medical students from across Asia, the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Standing on the three pillars of Knowledge, Action, and Friendship, AMSA International aims to nurture and give her members valuable experience outside of their medical student curricula.


The Asian Medical Students’ Conference is the flagship conference of AMSA International that involves the participation of hundreds of medical students each summer, yearly. The objective of AMSC lies in creating a platform for a strong, global network of medical students- who as future medical practitioners, will explore and develop their academic knowledge, cultural appreciation, and interpersonal skills.


The AMSC comprises of three main aspects: academic, sociocultural, and community service programs. This event allows medical students from AMSA Chapters to congregate, discuss and present their projects and research which were conducted based on the theme agreed upon for the conference that year. In addition, delegates can also experience different traditions and customs through the cultural events organized throughout course of the conference and network with future doctors across Asia, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, or race.


This year, the conference, organized by AMSA South Korea, has the theme of “Telemedicine: Is it ideal or suboptimal?”. The Academic Competition aims to approach the technical advancements and reliability of telemedicine, while considering the medical effectiveness. The focus of the program is to understand the current status of digital health from the perspective of technical difficulties and stability, and consider the ways to improve upon them.


Published: 2022-07-17

Advancement of telemedicine due to wearable device


Current legal status and promotion of telemedicine in Thailand: A systematic review

Thunyaporn Saengchay, Nanthida Keawthawon, Pasin Larpanekanan

Preparedness of Diabetic Patients for Receiving Telemedical Healthcare: A Cross-Sectional Study

Arpit Singh, Oshin Puri, Pratyush Kumar, Vishnu B Unnithan , Asmitha Reddy, Shravya A, Dr. Monika Pathania

Efficacy and Acceptability of Telecounseling for Smoking Cessation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Ornpailin Wanichthanaolan, Anna Chulkatabbha Watunyuta, Pawan Thanapornphun, Manit Srisurapanont

A Systematic Review of Telemedicine in Burn Care over the Last Decade

Fook Yi Fontaine Tse, Jom Bhumitrakul, Long Yin Lavine Liu, Hsin Ting Katrina Tan, Ho Tsun Ivy Ng, Siyeon Eren Park, On Chun Anthony Siu, Jayne Zhen-Yi Tan

A Cross-Sectional Survey on Telemental Health: What Do Service Providers and Clients Think of Its Effectiveness?

Ivy Hui Yi Ting, Illangage Poornaka Chamath Gunawardena, Sivakumar Thurairajasingam, Cindy Pei Sze Niap, Jeyarajah Selvadurai

Analysis of Necessary Legal and Regulatory Amendments to Permanently Legalize Telemedicine in South Korea

Yu Kyeong Kang, Jaegyun Kim, Hyochang Jin, Jaewoo Han, Dain Kim, Sangyeon Park

A Qualitative Systematic Literature Review of Patient and Service Provider Barriers in Implementing Diagnostic Teledermatology: Implications for Policy

Bryan Min Feng Ooi, Agilandiswari Arumuga Jothi, Alana Tang, Jia Xin Khoo, Danielle Gan, Dominic Wong, Maggie Lau, Edelyne Tandanu, Sahed Ahmed, Wei Yu Fong